
Institute to Host Webinar Working Sessions for Expending ESSER III Funds

As of early June 2024, many charter schools in New York state have not spent or obligated significant amounts of ESSER III (American Recovery Act) federal funds.  The deadline for obligating or expending these funds is September 30, 2024.  Failure to do so will result in the state of New York having to repay unspent funds to the US Department of Education.

To assist schools in spending all available ESSER III funds, the SUNY Charter Schools Institute invites representatives of  independent, small replicator, and network-operated charter schools throughout New York to participate in a webinar working session that will provide guidance on spending all available ESSER III funds.  Guidance will include but not be limited to:

  • reviewing deadlines for amending now approved ESSER III spending plans, filing requests for payments (i.e., disbursements), and filing final expenditure reports.
  • discussing optimum timeframes for filing amendments and payment requests to ensure there is sufficient lead time for receipt of approvals (amendments particularly) timely disbursement of funds.
  • tips on eligible expenditures most likely to be approved (as the deadline for expenditure approaches) and on types of expenditures no longer allowable and/or not likely to be approved (including costs not included in approved budgets).
  • updates, if any, on spending extensions and/or liquidation extensions beyond October 31, 2024 (which are not likely at this time).
  • Q&A opportunities with Institute staff and consultants, Erica Meaker, Director, ESSA-Funded Programs, NYSED, and Gretchen Liga, Director of Development Services, and/or Karen Daniels, President & COO, Charter School Business Management.

The webinar sessions will be hosted by the Institute, as follows:

  • Wednesday, June 12, 2024 – 11 am to 12:15 pm. This session will be focused on independent and small replicator schools. Register.
  • Thursday, June 13, 2024 – 11am to 12:15 pm. This session will be focused on  network-operated schools. Register.

In advance of the webinar sessions, the Institute has developed a resource, “ESSER III Spending Information and Guidance.”

In addition, we are asking that schools complete one of the following surveys (based on your school type) by 5 pm on Monday, June 10, 2024.