Team Portals

Contact Us

Our shared email inboxes serve as a direct portal to our internal teams that manage any processes you may have questions about.

General Inbox


Academics & Evaluation

The academic team is responsible for the development of Institute practices and protocols for school evaluations, school visits, and Renewal, including recommendations and reports.



The accountability team is responsible for the Institute’s accountability authorizing work, including conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis of school performance, monitoring and coordinating the development of Accountability Plans and school data reporting, and providing the school evaluation teams with analytical support.



The communications team is responsible for handling external requests and inquiries from the media and government officials.



The compliance team is responsible for the collection and analysis of schools’ operations data, including verification of insurance, facility-related data, and verification of board meeting minutes.



The SUNY Epicenter team is responsible for managing the Epicenter user base, including adding and removing members.


Fiscal / Finance

The finance team is responsible for designing and implementing regulatory and fiscal policies and processes and conducting oversight of fiscal performance and compliance of individual charter schools. In addition, the team conducts fiscal review of new school applications, renewals, revisions, and facility financings. Contact the team for assistance with financial reporting requirements or help navigating the templates.



The legal team is responsible for legal, charter and fiscal compliance issues, including Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests, charter revisions, and the administration of the New York State Charter Schools Stimulus Funds Grant.


New Charters

The new charters team leads the charter school request for proposal process and serves as the primary reviewer of all proposals. They also monitor the preopening process, to ensure new schools are prepared to welcome students and open for instruction in a timely, safe manner in compliance with all regulations and requirements.