Resource Center

This Resource Center is intended to serve as a valuable tool for SUNY charter school board members, leaders, applicants, researchers, parents, and other members of the community.

It includes a variety of information about the SUNY authorization process, key benchmarks, and compliance requirements, as well as model documents, guidelines, tools, templates, and performance reports. If you are unable to find the information you are seeking, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Institute at

Tips for Using These Resources
  • When reviewing recommended items for consideration, proactively prepare by considering items 2-3 months into the future.  Similarly, review the calendar of compliance deadlines several months ahead to ensure board awareness of each requirement.
  • After reviewing the complete list of recommended items for consideration, reflect on your own work as a board member over the last year. Which topics did the full board or individual committees were left unresolved or perhaps, not even discuss or consider?
For Applicants
Considering starting a SUNY charter school?
for board of directors
Governance best practices and resources
for community
Everything you need to know about SUNY charter schools
for researchers
Best practices, projects, performance reports, and more
For School Leaders
Guidelines, Templates, Reporting Deadlines, and more