Preopening Process

Preopening is the SUNY Charter School Institute’s process to ensure new schools are prepared to welcome students and open for instruction in a timely, safe manner in compliance with all regulations and requirements. The process requires submission of various documents, as well as an onsite visit by a member of the Institute staff, which typically happens a week to ten days before your planned opening date. Upon satisfactory completion of Preopening, the Institute will issue a “Letter to Commence Instruction,” granting permission to open your school for instruction.

To help guide you through this process and prepare for a successful school launch, the Institute has compiled a detailed list of checklists, timelines, resources, and critical milestones covering facilities, staffing, compliance, and more. Our goal is to make your journey to opening day as seamless as possible, ensuring your school meets all regulatory and operational requirements for a strong start. To begin your journey, please review the resources below.

Still need guidance? Schools with the smoothest and most successful openings are typically those who remain in close contact with the Institute, ask questions, and share concerns promptly and transparently to secure appropriate resources and support. If you review the resources and materials on this page and still have questions, please do not hesitate to connect with our Preopening Team at

Timeline and Milestones

While each individual new charter school’s timeline may vary slightly depending on opening dates, the following chart outlines the general progression and timeline of the Preopening process, which begins January of the planned school opening year.

What is the preopening checklist, and what are its requirements?

The preopening checklist is a list of tasks new charter schools must complete to meet operational standards before opening. Items include health, safety, staffing, and facility compliance.

Where can we find preopening guidance for compliance?

Comprehensive guidance, documents, and resources, including templates and compliance tips, are available on the preopening webpage.

Who is responsible for submitting the checklist and assurances?

The school leader or authorized representative must submit the completed checklist and required assurances to the Charter Schools Institute, as per the Charter Agreement.

What are some of the top priorities for the preopening process?

Key items include facility readiness, enrollment confirmation, staffing completion, compliance with health and safety standards, and obtaining necessary licenses. For specific tasks, review the ‘Top Ten Preopening Items’ document.

What happens if preopening requirements are not met?

Failure to meet requirements can delay opening approval. Schools must ensure all checklist items are complete and approved by the SUNY Charter Schools Institute.

Who should school leaders contact if they have specific preopening questions?

School leaders are encouraged to review all available materials for answers to common questions. For additional support:

    • General Preopening:
    • Fingerprinting:
    • Finance:
    • Legal:
    • Academic: